Yesterday’s fantastic news that Northamptonshire brand Farrington’s had achieved net zero on both plastics and carbon was very welcome. We sell ‘loose’ Mellow Yellow oil here at Re, and it’s incredibly popular. When we’d first spoken to Farringtons in Spring 2019 we’d asked lots of questions about their production - just because they were local didn’t mean they were going to be the automatic choice if they didn’t stack up on caring for their land and the broader environment. They were incredibly open and helpful. As such we’ve been happy customers of theirs since we opened. The ethos of the whole company is one of care and responsible stewardship.
The same day, news of Unilever’s project was also in the press. They apparently plan to provide door to door refillables through their new brand, Loop. Of course, this got much more press than Farringtons - massive PR and advertising budgets can have this effect. But we have to ask whether it’s greenwash to Farrington’s authentic approach.
Today’s news brings us an article again reviewing the true costs of our delivery habits. Surely the Loop project will have to work very hard to avoid the same pitfalls. But when the business (for that’s what it is, not altruism, let’s not forget) is backed by multinationals with questions to answer on human rights, emissions, business ethics and environmental standards can it be anything other than greenwash? We think not.
The solution? Shop local where you can. Give the little guys a try. Support ventures in your own communities. And also consider that if something’s that cheap, then if you’re not paying for that, who is, and why?
Basically? Come to Re!!